When I was a boy we always stood in worship each Sunday and recited the Apostles Creed. The creed began with the words, "I believe..." Webster define the verb "believe" as the following:
- to accept or regard (something) as true
- to accept the truth of what is said by (someone)
- to have (a specified opinion)
Another dictionary source says to believe is to "feel sure of the truth of." That is a bit more bold than Webster's definition and gets after the biblical idea shared by the author of Hebrews. Faith is assurance. Belief is conviction. It has to do with trust. To believe is to trust the proclamation that God loves the world and sent His Son to save it. Belief is to feel sure that, through the biblical witness, you have the correct understanding of yourself in the world before God.
A disciple of Jesus Christ believes. She feels sure that what she knows of God through faith in Christ is adequate enough for the saving of her soul. She trusts that she is free from sin through the cross of Christ and empowered through His resurrection to pursue a Christ-like life. As she pursues perfection in Christ, she experiences assurance that she is indeed on the right path, a path that leads to life.
Life is in her because she knows Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) John Wesley, founder of the Methodist tradition within Christianity, spoke of the assurance of faith that is the privilege of every believer. At some point in the journey of pursuing Christ, one might enjoy the inner witness of the Spirit which gives personal assurance that one is a beloved child of God.
"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God..." (Romans 8:14-16)
The love-born cry of a child to her Father in heaven is a Spirit enabled cry of worship. And the Spirit replies with the Father's loving embrace of His beloved children who cry out to Him. This is all part of faith. Experiencing divine love within ourselves is part of the journey that believing began. For everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, cross over from death to life. (John 5:24)
My wife's uncle, Rev. Willie Lucas, is a Baptist preacher. He often preaches revivals around different parts of the country. I once heard him tell a great illustration for belief.
There was a high wire artist, an acrobat, who decided to string a wire between two 30 story buildings in a busy downtown section of a major city. During the lunch hour, when the streets were bustling with people, he began his performance. High above the street he crossed over the wire with no net to catch him should he slip and fall. A crowd soon gathered in amazement as they watch him carry out death defying feats of skill and bravery on the high wire. He even did a hand stand on the wire! The crowd cheered and shouted as they watched.
Finally the acrobat placed a wheelbarrow up to the edge of the high wire. We shouted down to the gathered crowd, "Who believes I can wheel a man across this wire in a wheelbarrow?"
Down below one of the spectator shouted back enthusiastically, "I believe! I believe, Mister! I believe you can do anything!"
The acrobat shouted back, "Great! Get in!"
Belief is feeling sure of what we hope for, being convicted of the truth. Faith is a trusting relationship with the One you believe. Disciples learn to "get in" the gospel wheelbarrow and trust Jesus to guide you through all of life's risks and rewards.
Are you ready to get in?
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