Sunday, September 28, 2014


Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” (Mark 1:14-15)

Mark 1:15 are the first words of Jesus recorded in the New Testament. Mark is the oldest of all the gospels. His account of the good news about the kingdom coming through Jesus Messiah is short and fast paced. There are more miracle stories in Mark's gospel than the others. These miracles support Jesus' claim that the kingdom of God is near. God's reign has come in the person of Jesus who was completely submissive to God's rule over His heart. Therefore He was a citizen of heaven right in our midst.

Jesus' presence among us led others to be reconnected to God and they too became a citizen of heaven, filled with the Spirit of Christ, and submissive to God.

Jesus' proclamation was that the promised kingdom of the Messiah, a government under the leadership of a divinely anointed king from the line of King David, had come near to Israel. His announcement came when all the evidence would contradict His claim. The Romans oppressed the people with high taxes and brutality. Most people lived in poverty while kings and merchants and tax collectors lived in luxury. People suffered in sickness, paralysis, blindness, deafness, muteness, and demon possession. The reign of God means blessing, not the feeling of abandonment in a hellish world.

How many times have you heard people say this world is hell. If that's true, we're the ones who made God's good creation into a sort of hell. The good news is still good news. The kingdom of God is here. And the world is still oppressive, abusive, brutal and diseased. All evidence would stand to the contrary, that God's good and righteous government has come to us.

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of the heart at first. The kingdom of God is like a tiny mustard seed that grows into a mighty tree that overshadows all the other plants in the garden. God's government begins in the heart first, before the kingdom of God can bee seen in the world. What the world sees is steeples, church signs and slogans, and reports on the news of bad Christian behavior. They sometimes hear Christians badmouthing, talking trash and complaining about people. They even complain about their churches. What a witness!

If we disciples of Jesus are going to show the world the possibilities of God's reign, God must truly rule our hearts. That begins with repentance. To repent means to turn around. Do a 180 degree about face toward God.

Repentance is more than not doing the things we know are wrong. Sin is more than bad deeds or criminal activity. Sin is an infection in our very souls. We judge others in our sinful minds. Sin causes us to place ourselves first above others. Sin is that thing in us that causes us to rebel against God. Sin causes us to hide from God, neglect prayer, ignore our bibles and make worship an infrequent option. Sin provides us many happy diversions that have nothing to do with our mission to build the kingdom of God on earth. Repentance means to drop all the diversions and seek to do God’s will. God’s will is for us is to make disciples of Jesus.

Peter and Andrew were fishermen. Jesus called to them and they immediately dropped everything and followed Jesus into ministry. When you think of how you spend your days, how are you fishing for people? Not all are called to professional ministry, but all of us are called to this mission to make disciples. If Peter was a fisherman and Jesus taught him to fish for people by sharing the gospel, what might Jesus do with your skills?

If you are a teacher, how might Jesus use you to teach others about Him? If you are in management, how can Jesus use your skills to organize and guide a ministry team? If you work with your hands, how can Jesus use you to reach others for Christ? To repent means to give all of your life to Christ. You are a disciple in the workplace, at home, in the mall, and at play. While you work, fish for people. While you shop, fish for people. While you play, fish for people.

Repent. Put God be in control. Repent. Surrender your will and seek to do God’s will. Repent. Drop whatever you are doing and begin doing ministry with Jesus. This does not require a career change. It does require a change in focus. It does require a change of heart. It does require submitting to God's written word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Turn around and come under God's loving and righteous influence. Give your heart in obedience to Him and you will begin to see the kingdom, for you will be one of His beloved citizens of heaven.

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