Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us.
And do not bring us to the time of trial.” (Luke 11:1-4)
The primary means of grace in the Christian life is prayer. Jesus modeled a prayerful life. He got up early and prayed. His disciples went looking for Him once when He was praying in a lonely place. Jesus prayed all night before He chose the 12 apostles. Jesus climbed a mountain and prayed as He watched His disciples cross the Sea of Galilee. When a storm came suddenly Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm. The power of prayer was His, for through prayer He communed with His Father in heaven.
Now we aren't the Son of God, nor is all the fullness of God dwelling in us, but we are vessels of God, even if a little bit. As we pray to God, we too connect to our Father in heaven, who has adopted us as His own. We aren't likely to walk on water, but we can experience grace and the power of Christ in us through prayer.
Often we make prayer a one way conversation. We ask God for help and for provision. It's called intercession. But prayer is more than asking God for some kindness, which He is all too ready to do for those who love Him. Prayer is spending time with God. Prayer is a means to love God and to experience God's love for us. Intimacy with God can be felt in the heart through prayer.
How do you pray in such a way to receive the experience of God's love? My experience is to allow your heart to long for God, just as a lovesick girl might yearn for her boyfriend. It sounds weird, but the point is that we need God. We utterly depend on God. Prayer begins with acknowledging our need for God.
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength. That sounds like major effort. Some call it fervent prayer. When you seek to commune with God, allow your heart to express love to Him. Perhaps it's easier to express thanks to Jesus for giving His life for you. There's emotive power in the gospel. Use it in your prayer life.
Prayer can feel awkward when we are not in the habit. Praying the psalms can be very helpful when we cannot find our own words. Nearly every human emotion and need is covered in the Psalms. As you pray the psalms, you may find the words in the scripture speak for your heart.
Notice the prayer form of the psalms. As you pray the psalms you will learn to pray on your own borrowing phrases that are stored in your heart. Psalms may help you develop your own prayer discipline.
Prayer doesn't have to be scary or uncomfortable. It's really natural. God has revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ. He's personable. You can talk to God just as you would any close friend. The Lord is alive and lives in you. Listen for Him to respond in the conversation. Listen within.
If we prayed more by listening and searching our hearts for His love, we will find our prayers effective in accessing grace. We will experience healing from His life giving presence. God will move us to act upon His will. We will gain clarity when feeling indecisive. We will be revived when tired, and calmed when anxious. All this and more is the benefit of prayer.
The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. He taught them the Lord's prayer.You can consider it a good example of prayer.
Our Father who art in heaven. - acknowledge the relationship you have with God.
Hallowed be Thy name - Let your heart offer God glory and praise. Adore Him.
Thy kingdom come - desire God to rule over your life and the whole world
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven - Dedicate your life to the will of God
Give us this day our daily bread - ask and you shall receive, seek provision
and forgive us our trespasses - confess your sins and seek forgiveness
as we forgive those who trespass against us - Forgive others. Don't hold onto bitterness.
as we forgive those who trespass against us - Forgive others. Don't hold onto bitterness.
Lead us not to temptation - Seek God's protection and strength
but deliver us from evil - Seek the Lord's power to help you stand against evil
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. - Honor Christ as Your king and gladly serve Him.
Amen - Let your heart believe it will be as you have prayed. Let it be so!
Amen - Let your heart believe it will be as you have prayed. Let it be so!
Another simple prayer form is ACTS
Adoration. Spend tine at the opening of your prayer adoring God. Praise and acknowledge who He is.
Confession. Confess your sins, both those actions you know are sinful, and those godly actions you know you should have done, but did not.
Thanksgiving. Offer thanks for the many blessings God gives you.
Supplication. Ask God to supply your needs.
There's much more to prayer, many forms and methods. All of them are for you to access God's grace, to be nurtured and to deepen your connection to the source of life. Through prayer God imparts that peace that passes understanding. That peace is heavenly and reminds us that we are His. Prayer helps the disciple to be filled with the Spirit of Christ and as such the presence of Christ in the world.
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