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Tolstoy |
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. (Romans 12:9-18)
Whether that quote is accurate or not, Tolstoy did have his critiques of Christianity. He felt that the church all too often sided with those in power, and as a result, became part of the oppression of others. Clergy preaching in support of military action is just one example. Tolstoy was convinced that no man has the right to control by force the actions of another. He believed Jesus Christ was the perfect example of this peaceful existence.
It's not that Jesus didn't have conflict. He did. And it's not that Jesus laid down like a door mat in the face of oppression. He did not. Jesus stood His ground and spoke the truth. He did use force when he drove animals used for sacrifice from the temple courts. The courts were meant for prayer, but it had turned into a marketplace to sell sacrificial animals to pilgrims. This included exchanging currency to the temple shekel. The money changers took their cut. It was a system that could easily be abused by greed. Jesus may or may not have driven the greedy men from the temple with a whip. The New Testament accounts are not specific as to whether it was the animals Jesus drove out, or the money changers, or both.
Karl Marx believed that religion was merely the product of economic systems. Religion serves its purpose to keep the poor happy with their lot. Marx said religion is like an opiate for the masses. He found no value in the beliefs of religion itself, nor did Marx think that religion can change culture. Since religion is a product of culture and its socio-economic values, it only serves to perpetuate the status quo. In his mind, Marx felt true happiness is found by leaving religion behind and pursuing the dignity of humanity.
What Marx does not understand, nor do today's liberal neo-marxists in American government, is that humans, while capable of great dignity, are sinful. They will always drift into self-seeking, self-protecting decisions and behaviors. Take a look at China and Russia and other Communist countries. Their leaders live in luxury while their people struggle at times for even access to basic human needs.
How do we transform the world? The church is the living expression of the kingdom of God. Take a look at the description, in the Romans 12 passage cited above, of a loving community dedicated to God, who is love, and to one another.
The early Christians practiced a very intimate fellowship based on the radical love of Jesus Christ. They laid down their lives for each other. They sold their property and possessions and gave the proceeds to a common purse. The funds were distributed as people in the community had need. They practiced what one economist called communalism. They practiced such radical love because they believed that Jesus is the Lord of heaven and earth. They came to love and trust in Jesus and followed His teachings. They hoped for the end of this corrupt age and the fulfillment of the kingdom of God. They began living according to the proclaimed new reality: "The kingdom of God is near."
What is the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven? It is God's reign, God's government on earth. The prophets proclaimed the restoration of God's people Israel. Their restoration was marked by a divinely anointed king, a son of David, who would lead the nation to peace and prosperity under the righteousness of God. This Messiah would bring justice to the land and liberate the captives and lift the poor from their burdens. God rules His people through the leadership of the Messiah, who loves God and keeps His commands according to the law of Moses.
In God's economy, prosperity comes to Israel when they obey God's covenant through Moses. But when they disobey, curse befalls the nation. God's law is just and shows compassion for the poor, the foreigner, and the stranger. When the people follow the righteous law of God, blessing comes. The fields produce an abundance of crops. The flocks and herds bear fruitfully their young. There is plenty for all. Famine strikes the nation when they disobey and chase after other gods, seeking to please them.
When Jesus of Nazareth appeared, He became known as the Son of David, and the Son of Man. He was called the Christ, the Messiah. Christians all believe Jesus is the Christ. But we do not think of His reign solely in earthly terms. His reign is foundationaly spiritual. Jesus is love incarnate. As His love rules the hearts of humanity, then human relationships are redeemed. Then true justice comes to society because each human wants the betterment of their neighbor. Love wants what is best for all.
Tolstoy wrote about the kingdom of God.
"The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity by contributing to the establishment of the kingdom of God, which can only be done by the recognition and profession of the truth by every man."
Yesterday during a time of dialogue, one of our church members said she wished every troubled soul would know the loving Spirit of Jesus. Christians are on a mission from God. It is a mission to change the world through the love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
But if churches are to be effective at this mission to transform the world through love, we have to be transformed ourselves as holy and loving communities. We must persevere and learn to love as Christ loves us. That means we have to hold each other accountable to the standards of love.
More on that tomorrow. LET LOVE BE GENUINE.
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